1. Course "European Project Planning under Erasmus + "
24 th-28 Novembre 2014
The course aims to provide participants with specific knowledge, skills, tools and instruments needed to design effective project proposals which enable them to effectively manage a European Project. Participants will be supported to create the conditions, within the group, to start up European partnership networks.
Course Programme:
-Coaching in Educational contexts to reduce early school leaving
24th- November- 3rd December 2014 -FULLY BOOKED-
13th-22nd April 2015
Reducing Early School Leaving is one of the priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategic framework for Education and Training and of Erasmus +.The course will introduce participants to Energy Psychology Techniques (EPT) together with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with a strong emphasis placed on using these tools within an education environment.
Course Programme:

- Energy Psychology in the classroom to reduce early school leaving
24th- 28th November 2014
13th- 17th April 2015
Participants will learn how to manage and reduce stress levels thereby improving not only their overall health but also their day to day interaction with students and colleagues by applying Energy Psychology Techniques in order to reduce early school leaving.
Course Programme:

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